Who's Who
We are blessed with a great team of people at St George's.
Revd Pete Sainsbury
Team Vicar for St George's
01672 512364
Day off Friday
Hailing from Dublin, Pete has variously worked in IT, music and youthwork before training for ordination at Ridley Hall, Cambridge. He also has a masters degree in theology for ministry from Kings College London. Previously, Pete's been a university chaplain and an inner urban vicar in Birmingham. Pete has three young adult children.
Revd Chris Smith
Team Rector
01672 514357
Day off Friday
Chris read Biology at Newcastle before Theology at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. He had served in 5 churches before starting in Marlborough last October. He is married to Catherine, a teacher, and they have 4 children. Chris has a passion for healthy, growing churches. Chris is overall Team Rector for the Marlborough Anglican Team which includes St George's.
Nicky Huckle
As churchwarden, Nicky shares responsibility for the buildings and other aspects of the church's life.
Mr Alastair Barr
As treasurer Alastair advises the PCC about finance and looks after the church accounts.
Mrs Amanda Brown
Honorary Secretary
Amanda serves as the Parochial Church Council secretary and helps lead the children's work.