Mid Week @ St Mary's

St Mary's has many active midweek groups. Now lockdown has lifted why not give something a try?

Men's NightMen's Night

The Lamb Inn, The Parade, Marlborough.
First Friday of the month at 8pm

£12 plus tip, which includes a plate of grub and a pint. Extra drinks need to be paid for separately. Please bring yourself and someone new along.

Email David Chandler for more details.

Ladies' Supper Evenings

Ladies Night Supper

Our supper evenings happen a couple of times a term in Church Cottage, Silverless Street from 7 - 9pm. They are an informal and relaxed time sharing a light meal, a glass of wine and  great opportunity to meet new people and to get to know one another better. Email Dorothy or Rachel  for further details or pick up a leaflet in church giving dates for this term. We ask for a contribution of £8 (cash) on the night but you do need to reserve a place as we are limited to 20 .

Home Groups for Study, Fellowship & Prayer 

The following is a list of Home Groups. The groups vary in their style and in what they do but have in common a desire to be places where participants can learn from and encourage each other in their faith in a mutually supportive environment. As well as study there will be time for sharing of news and prayer. Many of them are ecumenical with members from other than the Anglican churches. If you are interested in joining a particular group please contact the named person for each group. If you would like to start a Home Group or for further information please contact the clergy.


1. Meets fortnightly (at 7.30 for 8.00 pm) at the home of Sally Cripps.
Contact: Charles Graham 514301

2. Meets weekly at 8.00 pm at the home of Peter and Gill Morgan.
Contact: Tricia Hayllar 512435


3. Meets fortnightly at 7.45 pm at different members' home.
Contact: Mike Maclachlan 514101


4. Meets weekly at 7:45pm at the home of Derek and Jill Moss
Contact: Jill Moss 513234

5. Meets weekly at 7.45 pm for 8.00 pm start at the home of Caroline and Mark Philps.
Contact: Mark Philps 07729 067313


6. Women's Group meets weekly from 10am - 11am in Church Cottage for coffee, chat, Lectio and prayer. Contact: Shirley 07917 402177 or Louise 07917 248339

7. Afternoon group meets fortnightly 2.00-4.00 pm.
Contact: tbc

7. Evening group meets fortnightly 7-9pm
Contact: Ian Perryman 514550