
We would love to stay in touch. Have a scroll see what means suits you best.

Weekly Notices
The notice sheet gives details of our services, diary dates and points of interest in our local community. Contact Penny by Wednesday if you would like something included.

This week's notice sheet.  

Bible Readings

The Bible readings for each Sunday can be found on the notice sheet. Many people enjoy looking at them before church in preparation or afterwards to try and work out what was happening!

NB readings do vary please check the Order of Service for the different churches which are available to download on Latest News.

Social Media
We are active on Facebook and Instagram. Please find us, follow us and like us.
For help getting started with Instagram click here

You've found the website. It has team pages that give an overview for all three churches and then dedicated sections to each church. Enjoy browsing!
Our address is

St Mary's produces a monthly newsletter. Its full of interesting articles and is available in the church or here
. If you would like something included please contact Penny by the 10th of the month.

The St Mary's 2023 Annual Review is here.

The St George's newsletter is printed bimonthly and can be read here. It looks ahead to exciting events and activities that are coming up. Items for the next edition need to be with the editor Amanda Brown by the 10th of the month.

St John the Baptist information can be found in the Minal Village newsletter, click here, or visit the Minal Village website.

Tower and Town
This monthly magazine contains news and views from Marlborough's Community and Churches. It has a printed distribution of more than 600 and significant online presence. You can read the latest edition at