St Marys 32 St Johns 32St Georges 32

Our services times can also be found on Latest News or please visit our weekly notices for more information

Planned Service Dates :

NB please visit Latest News where you can download the Order of Service.

Worship every Sunday at 10.30am from St Mary's here 

Holy Communion will take place alternate weeks at St Mary's and St George's at 8am 

Worship will take place at St John the Baptist, Minal at 9am 

Worship will take place at St George's, Preshute at 10.30 am

Informal Worship at 5pm to 6pm every week at St Mary's, Marlborough 
This service will be relaxed in style and aimed at the young and 'young at heart'

You can also watch past services via our Love Marlborough YouTube channel 

Every Wednesday there will be a live half-hour prayer meeting at 8am in St Mary's Church as well as a Zoom prayer meeting at 5pm click for the link here.

If you have any concerns or need prayer support please contact one of our clergy team.

The Marlborough Anglican Team continues to take the safety of all its members and visitors seriously. Please follow the COVID guidelines at each church. We do our best to follow the government and national church advice. Please choose between live services or online worship according to your age and risk profile. As you will be aware the situation can change quite quickly so please do check our Latest News or Notices webpages. Thank you for your support and cooperation.