St John's exists to promote the mission of God's church in Minal. This includes proclaiming new life in Jesus Christ, serving the needs of others, and fighting for justice.
It costs around £20,000 per year to run the church with these aims. If you are considering giving we would really appreciate your help.
The simplest most tax effective to give is with a monthly standing order under Gift Aid. These can be set up with your bank and they help us to plan better. If you are a taxpayer please consider signing a gift aid declaration. This enables us to claim back an extra 25p for every pound given, at no cost to you.
Another way of giving to 'St John's PCC' is to remember the church in your will. Legacies often enable the church council to take a leap forward in mission.
Our bank details can be found here . If you need more information please contact Rev Chris Smith or our treasurer Derek Price.
If you already give, thank you. May God bless you as you share in this ministry.